Will Smith Caught Having Sex With Duane Martin

Hollywood stars Will Smith and Duane Martin were caught having anal sex in a dressing room.

Duane Martin, known for his role in headline movies such as; Above The Rim, Scream 2 and a host of others has been friends with his colleague, Will Smith, for quite a number of years.

The two have been so close that sexual allegations have been made against them time and time again, which has been refuted by Will and Duane, alongside Jada and Martin's ex wife, Campbell.

However, the recent scandal was made by Will's former friend and assistant, Brother Bilaal.

Brother Bilaal made his sexual allegations in an interview with Tasha K on Tuesday.

He stated that one day at the studio, he saw Will's car outside at the parking lot, but couldn't find him in the cafeteria or in his dressing room. He was also looking for Duane because he knew Duane was in the building.

After searching in vain in Will's dressing room, he then went to Duane's.

Speaking to Tasha, he stated:

"I opened the door to Duane’s dressing room and that’s when I see Duane having anal sex with Will...There was a couch and Will was bent over on the couch and Duane was standing up killing him, murdering him – it was murder in there".

A lot of Smith's fans have come out to refute this claim. But Bilaal stated that everyone else only speculates, but he is an insider. 

The rumour comes after Smith's wife, Jada, had stated that she and her husband have been separated for years.

Will has denied the allegations, but we are yet to hear from Duane Martin.

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