Nigerians To Pay MTN Cancelled Debts

Mobile telecommunication giant, MTN, has stated that Nigerians will have to pay for the cancelled debts.

There has been a lot of jubilation following the cancellation of all debts owed by Nigerian customers to MTN. 

Nigerians have gone on to sing the "you paid the debts you did not owe" song, expressing joy to the mobile telecom company.

Some have even gone as far as replacing the face of Christ on the cross with that of the MTN logo. 

But unfortunately, MTN confirmed that they did not pay any debt.

What happened was a system malfunction. The exact details have not been confirmed yet. But all we know is that there was a 'system glitch' which led to the cancellation of millions of debt owed by Nigerians to the company.

In other words, Nigerians will still be liable for the debts when the system error is fixed.

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