340 Husbands Beaten By Wives In Lagos

Not less than 340 husbands have been reported to be beaten by their wives in Lagos State.

The Lagos State Domestic And Sexual Violence Agency (LSDVA) reported that in the past one year, the number of men abused by their wives has increased. This report was made by Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi, an officer in the agency.

It is factual that women are known to be more prone to violence than men. But this is not always the case. Men die in silence and agony. They have a lot of burdens to carry. And the recent information has shown how men are also abused and are at the mercy of their wives. 

340 is not a small number. And it is just from one state in the Federation. Imagine the numbers in other states? 

The report has been used to raise awareness of male abuse and to campaign for the end of gender based violence in both men and women. 

Say no to gender based violence.

Say no to domestic violence.

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